Budget Friendly Hot Cocoa Bar
With cold weather setting in here, my whole family has been drinking more and more tea, coffee, and of course, hot chocolate! With a house full of 6 people, it seems like there’s always someone making a cuppa something!
I decided to organize our hot beverages all into one space to make it convenient, as well as cute for the holiday season. I never thought I could do it before because I didn’t have much extra counter space, plus money to buy a bunch of new things.
But hey I love searching Pinterest and I decided I could probably make one with things I already have.
First, I cleaned off my counter where my Keurig sits. I wanted to start with a blank canvas.
I looked for something to put marshmallows in to keep them handy and fresh. I hate when they go stale. I bought a glass jar from Dollar General earlier this season. It was only $2 and I can’t pass up a cute buffalo truck! I had no idea what I was going to use it for, all I knew was that I would find something to do with it.